Welcome, I'm

Helia Akbari

Computer Science major

front-end developer

my projects

these are the projects I like the most. building them, while having challenges, has taught me a lot and finishing them has given me a sense of accomplishment😊

weather app website project

Weather App

this is a responsive forecast app that I designed for my SheCodes plus workshop. the data that is shown is real and is provided using openweathermap.org API. I also used bootstrap and obviously, HTML, CSS and JS.

open app
VPS app website project

New Instance VPS App

This is a replica of Add Server page of VPS provider websites. you can choose the features of the server you want and after deploying, your choice will be shown to you. Although the data is static, it is compatible with APIs too. In this project, I learnt more React, specially state management and uplifting states, I also worked with MUI. It is based on a Figma design

open app